LeAnn Larson's Portfolio


Celebrating Bridgfest along the canal
My name is LeAnn Larson.  I would consider myself to be a fun loving, caring and giving person. There have been many events in my life that have shaped me into the person that I am today. Looking back I wouldn't change any of them, after all, they have brought me here to where I am today.

I am the oldest of two children born to John and Susan Austin. I was born in the upper penninsula but got to experience the best of both worlds going up. In my early childhood I grew up outside of the city atmosphere and then finished my school career in a smaller home town school atmosphere back in the Upper Peninnsula of Michigan. Each unique area gave me necessary experiences to make me a well rounded person. I have had many role models in my life but there is one that stands out in education. My second grade teacher Mrs. Donna Bush. Her love for learning and her hands on crative lesson plans influenced me greatly. I hope that one day I can reach one student the way she did me.


After high school I began to work on an Elementary Education degree. Life got in the way from time to time but I never lost sight of wanting to work with children and making a difference. Here I am now at Finlandia University in my senior year.  I am not your traditional student, I am a wife, a mother, and a soon to be teacher. I love my life!


Enjoying Mommy time with my daughter Madalyn.
Winter Carnival is a yearly tradition in our family.